De VrouweThe image shows the Lady of All Nations standing on the globe, permeated by God’s light before the Cross of her Son with whom she is inseparably united. From Mary’s hands stream forth three rays of grace, redemption and peace, which she may grant to everyone who invokes her as Advocate. The flock of sheep represents the nations of the whole world, who will not be at rest until they look up at the Cross, the center of the world.


There is a short, powerful prayer to protect us from degeneration, impending disaster and war. Above all, we pray for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit who alone can give true peace to the world.


Millions of prayer cards, translated into more than 80 languages, have already been spread throughout the whole world and images of the Lady of All Nations have been placed in many churches and chapels for veneration. In addition, the faithful in many countries have assumed the responsibility to become guardians of pilgrim images of the Lady of All Nations. They bring the image for a period of time to families and friends, prayer groups, parishes and convents, to prisons, schools or nursing homes. The host welcomes any who want to come and pray before the pilgrim image. They pray, for example, the novena of the Lady of All Nations or the Rosary along with the prayer from Amsterdam. Innumerable people from all continents pray the prayer of the Lady of All Nations daily and are able to experience the power of her intercession.

Everyone can participate in this worldwide action of peace by passing on the prayer card in a kind way to those they know and even to those they do not know.


The prayer and the picture of the Lady and Mother of All Nations are a totally peaceful preparation for the threefold, last Marian dogma which Our Lady asks for in Amsterdam: Mary Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate. The Mother of All Nations promises that this dogma will bring the world true peace.

De kapel


The original image of the Lady of All Nations is in the Chapel of the Lady of All Nations, Diepenbrockstraat 3, south Amsterdam, not far from the RAI Convention Center. Daily pilgrims from many nations come to pray in front of the image and to attend Holy Mass.

More information about the apparitions of The Lady of all Nations can be found on the website of the Family of Mary.